Thursday, June 27, 2019

Apply Permutation

Apply Permutation

Problem Statement

Write a program that takes a permutation array and a input array and reorder the input array as per the given permutation.

Problem Solving 

  • I can see that this seems to be a linear time problem. 
  • We need to apply permutation inc cycle.
  • Start at 0 replace current position at 0 with previous input, swap previous input at current position. continue till end. 
  • However there are multiple missing things in this solution. 
  • As there can be multiple cycle in the same array. Therefore we need mechanism to break from cycle and then run on the next cycle. 
  • To break the cycle we need to keep an bool index whether the position is processed or not. 
  • and to go to next cycle we can always scan the processed array for non processed items and then start the process there. 
  • This seems okay. 
  • Find code here.  


  • This question might seem simple but to implement it correctly is difficult. 
  • Since I coded through the problem solving my code also looked tangled and complex. 
  • After multiple debugging sessions and fixing problems. The code looked in a very bad shape. 
  • However it passed all test cases. 
  • Then I looked at the answer to find it to my surprise, that the code written is so much more elegant than what I had written. 
  • However there is space optimization in the book's answer but ignoring that also the code was  much more simple. 
  • Later I refactored my code into that shape. Felt both good and bad. 
  • Writing good code is really really difficult. I understand it now. Everyone can code but to make proper sentences in the language is the art. To write pieces that are elegant and clear and concise. 
  • Now that I have refactored it. It look good.
  • Also one key insight is that whenever you feel like using an iterator that runs through all the elements in linear fashion use a for loop. and when needed to skip use continue or empty loop cycle. No need to write make complex iterator advances. 
  • Small question lots of learning. 

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