Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Advancing through an Array

Advancing through an Array

Problem Statement

Write a program that takes an array of n integers, where A[i] denotes maximum we can advance from index i and return whether it is possible to reach the last index when started from the beginning  of the array. 

Problem Solving

  •  A simple solution to this problem would be to calculate a max_reach at any given position and while iterating to reach the max_reach we keep updating it. If in the end we reach the end of an array then a solution is possible otherwise not.
  • One optimization we can add it to stop iterating as soon as the max_reach becomes greater than size of the array. 
  • Find Code here.


  • Lately I have realized that Problem Solving is as much a emotional task as it is a mental task. When we pick up a new problem all those imposter syndrome feelings and fear of unknown starts dwelling in. I worry more about the blow to confidence I would get if I could not solve this problem more than I think about how to solve the problem.

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